Surface preparation is key to a successful exterior paint job.
When applying Behr outdoor paint, follow these steps:
Countersink any nails then fill and sand.
Caulk around windows, doors and trim as needed. Be sure to use a paint-able caulk.
Remove peeling and loose paint.
Wash any existing painted surfaces to remove chalk and dirt.
Prepare any raw metal and masonry with an appropriate cleaner etcher product.
When all surfaces are dry, prime all wood and bare metal surfaces. For drastic color changes, consider priming everything with a tinted Behr outdoor primer - tinted to a similar color as the final paint. Check with the paint store where you are purchasing your Behr Outdoor Paint to see if your color will benefit from a tinted primer. Apply the paint following the temperature and moisture guidelines.
380C-1 Sun Glint 380C-2 Desert Lily 380C-3 Moon Dance 380D-4 Feather Gold 380D-5 California Dreaming 380D-6 Leapfrog 380D-7 Wild Grass 380E-1 Mist Yellow 380E-2 Lightning White 380E-3 Satin Souffle 380F-4 Ground Ginger 380F-5 Harmonic Tan 380F-6 River Bank 380F-7 Crocodile